
Datatype enum

class astrophysix.simdm.utils.DataType(value)

Value data type enum


>>> dt = DataType.INTEGER
>>> dt.name
"Integer number"
BOOLEAN = ('bool', 'Boolean')
COMPLEX = ('comp', 'Complex number')
DATETIME = ('time', 'Datetime')
INTEGER = ('int', 'Integer number')
RATIONAL = ('rat', 'Rational number')
REAL = ('real', 'Real number')
STRING = ('str', 'String')
classmethod from_key(k)

key (string) – data type key


t – Physics matching the requested key.

Return type:



ValueError – if requested key does not match any physics.


>>> dt = DataType.from_key("rat")
>>> dt.name
"Rational number"
>>> dt2 = DataType.from_key("MY_UNKNOWN_DTYPE")
ValuerError: No DataType defined with the key 'MY_UNKNOWN_DTYPE'.
property key

Data type index key

property name

Data type verbose name

Object lists

class astrophysix.simdm.utils.ObjectList(obj_class, index_prop_name, object_addition_vcheck=None, object_addition_delhandler=None)

Generic object list container class

  • obj_class (type) – base class of the objects that can be added to the list

  • index_prop_name (string) – object property name used as a list index

  • object_addition_vcheck (tuple (callable validity check method, string added object list property name)) – validity check method to install into an object’s object list upon object addition into the list. Default None.

  • object_addition_delhandler (tuple (callable deletion handler, string added object list property name)) – deletion handler to install into an object’s object list upon object addition into the list. Default None.


>>> run1 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)")
>>> run2 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="MHD run")
>>> run3 = project.simulation.add(Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="Hydro run with BH feedback")
>>> run4 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="MHD run with BH feedback")
>>> project.simulation.add(run1)
>>> project.simulation.add(run2)
>>> project.simulation.add(run3)
>>> project.simulation.add(run4, insert_pos=2)  # Insert at position 2, not appendend at the end of the list
>>> len(project.simulations)
>>> print(str(project.simulations))
Simulation list :
| # |              Index                |                          Item                 |
| 0 | Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)  | 'Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)' simulation |
| 1 | MHD run                           | 'MHD run' simulation                          |
| 2 | MHD run with BH feedback          | 'MHD run with BH feedback' simulation         |
| 3 | Hydro run with BH feedback        | 'Hydro run with BH feedback' simulation       |
>>> run3 is project.simulations[3]  # Search by item position
>>> project.simulations["MHD run"]  # Search by item index value
'MHD run' simulation
>>> del project.simulations[0]
>>> del project.simulations["MHD run"]
>>> del project.simulations[run4]
>>> print(str(project.simulations))
Simulation list :
| # |              Index                |                          Item                 |
| 0 | Hydro run with BH feedback        | 'Hydro run with BH feedback' simulation       |

Delete an object from the list.


item (object or int or string) – instance to delete, object position in the list (int) or index property value (string) of the object to remove from the list.


Object list comparison method


other (ObjectList) – other object list to compare to


Get an object from the list.


item (int or string) – object position in the list (int) or index property value (string) of the object to fetch from the list.


o – Found object in the list. None if none were found.

Return type:

object of type self.object_class

  • AttributeError – if the search index type is neither an int nor a string.

  • IndexError – if the int search index value is lower than 0 or larger than the length of the list - 1.


Basic object list iterator


Size of the object list


String representation of the instance

add(obj, insert_pos=-1)

Adds a instance to the list at a given position

  • obj (object) – instance to insert in the list

  • insert_pos (int) – insertion position in the simulation list. Default -1 (last).


Add an object addition validity check method to the list of addition validity check methods


can_add_meth (Callable) – object addition validity check method


Clear the object list


Find an object in the list with a matching UUID


uid (UUID or string) – UUID or UUID string representation of the object to search for.



Return type:

Matching object with corresponding UUID,if any. Otherwise returns None


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property index_attribute_name

Name of the object property used as an index in this object list

property object_class

Type of object that can be added into the list