Object catalogs

New in version 0.5.0

Target object and their properties

New in version 0.5.0

class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.targobj.TargetObject(**kwargs)

Catalog target object class (Simulation data model)

  • name (string) – object name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – result description


TargetObject comparison method

other: TargetObject

target object instance to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property description

Target object description. Can be edited.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property name

Target object name. Can be edited.

property object_properties

Target object ObjectProperty list (ObjectList)

property property_groups

Target object ObjectPropertyGroup list (ObjectList)

property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.targobj.ObjectProperty(**kwargs)

Target object property class (Simulation data model)

  • property_name (string) – property name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – object property description

  • unit (string or Unit) – object property physical unit

  • filter_flag (PropertyFilterFlag) – target object property filter flag. Default PropertyFilterFlag.NO_FILTER

  • sort_flag (PropertySortFlag) – target object property sort flag. Default PropertySortFlag.NO_SORT

  • dtype (:class`simdm.utils.DataType`) – property data type. Default DataType.REAL.


ObjectProperty comparison method

other: ObjectProperty

target object property instance to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property datatype

Object property datatype (DataType)

property description

Object property description. Can be edited.

property display_name

Object property display name. Concatenation of the property name and its unit LaTex formula, if defined.

property filter_flag

Object property filter flag. Can be edited.


f – object property filter flag

Return type:



Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property property_name

Target object property name. Can be edited.

property sort_flag

Object property sort flag. Can be edited.


f – object property sort flag

Return type:


property uid
property unit
class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.targobj.ObjectPropertyGroup(**kwargs)

Target object property group class (Simulation data model)

  • group_name (property group name (mandatory))

  • description (property group description)


ObjectPropertyGroup comparison method

other: ObjectPropertyGroup

target object property group instance to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property description

Object property group description. Can be edited.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property group_name

Object property group name. Can be edited.

property group_properties

Object property group ObjectProperty list (ObjectList)

property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.targobj.PropertySortFlag(value)

An enumeration.

ADVANCED_SORT = ('advanced_sort', 'Sort in advanced form')
BASIC_SORT = ('basic_sort', 'Sort in basic form')
NO_SORT = ('no_sort', 'Not used for sorting')
property displayed_flag

Object property sort flag displayed name

property flag

Object property sort flag value

classmethod from_flag(flag)

flag (string) – property sort flag value


t – Property sort flag matching the requested flag value.

Return type:



ValueError – if requested flag value does not match any property sort flag.


>>> flag = PropertySortFlag.from_flag("basic_sort")
>>> flag.displayed_flag
"Sort in basic form"
>>> flag2 = PropertySortFlag.from_flag("MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG")
ValuerError: No PropertySortFlag defined with the flag 'MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG'.
class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.targobj.PropertyFilterFlag(value)

An enumeration.

ADVANCED_FILTER = ('advanced_filter', 'Filter in advanced form')
BASIC_FILTER = ('basic_filter', 'Filter in basic form')
NO_FILTER = ('no_filter', 'Not used in filters')
property displayed_flag

Object property filter flag displayed name

property flag

Object property filter flag value

classmethod from_flag(flag)

flag (string) – property filter flag value


t – Property filter flag matching the requested flag value.

Return type:



ValueError – if requested flag value does not match any property filter flag.


>>> flag = PropertyFilterFlag.from_flag("no_filter")
>>> flag.displayed_flag
"Not used in filters"
>>> flag2 = PropertyFilterFlag.from_flag("MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG")
ValuerError: No PropertyFilterFlag defined with the flag 'MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG'.

Object catalogs and catalog fields

New in version 0.5.0

class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.catalog.Catalog(*args, **kwargs)

Result object catalog class (Simulation data model)

  • target_object (TargetObject) – catalog object type (mandatory)

  • name (string) – catalog name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – catalog description


Catalog comparison method

other: Catalog

Other catalog instance to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property catalog_fields

Catalog CatalogField list (ObjectList)

property datafiles

Catalog Datafile list (ObjectList)

property description

Catalog description


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

classmethod load_HDF5(catalog_file_path)

Loads Catalog from a HDF5 (*.h5) file

New in version 0.7.0.


catalog_file_path (string) – Catalog HDF5 (existing) file path


study – Catalog loaded from HDF5 file.

Return type:


property name

Catalog name. can be edited

property nobjects

Returns the total number of objects in this catalog

property processing_services

Catalog CatalogDataProcessingService list (ObjectList)

save_HDF5(catalog_fname=None, galactica_checks=False)

Save the Catalog into a HDF5 (*.h5) file

New in version 0.7.0.

  • catalog_fname (string) – Catalog HDF5 filename.

  • galactica_checks (bool) – Perform Galactica database validity checks and display warning in case of invalid content for upload on Galactica. Default False (quiet mode).

property target_object

Catalog associated TargetObject.


Convert a Catalog into a Pandas Dataframe object


df – pandas DataFrame containing the catalog data

Return type:


property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.catalogs.field.CatalogField(*args, **kwargs)

CatalogField comparison method

other: CatalogField

catalog field object to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property field_value_stats

Returns (min., max., mean, std) tuple for this field value array

property field_values

Catalog field values. Can be edited.



Return type:

1D numpy.ndarray

property field_values_md5sum

Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property nobjects

Returns the number of objects in this catalog field => size of the field value 1D array

property object_property

Associated target object property (ObjectProperty)

property property_name

Associated target object property name


Convert a CatalogField into a pandas.Series object

property uid