
Datatype enum

class astrophysix.simdm.utils.DataType(value)

Value data type enum


>>> dt = DataType.INTEGER
>>> dt.name
"Integer number"
BOOLEAN = ('bool', 'Boolean')
COMPLEX = ('comp', 'Complex number')
DATETIME = ('time', 'Datetime')
INTEGER = ('int', 'Integer number')
RATIONAL = ('rat', 'Rational number')
REAL = ('real', 'Real number')
STRING = ('str', 'String')
classmethod from_key(k)

key (string) – data type key


t – Physics matching the requested key.

Return type



ValueError – if requested key does not match any physics.


>>> dt = DataType.from_key("rat")
>>> dt.name
"Rational number"
>>> dt2 = DataType.from_key("MY_UNKNOWN_DTYPE")
ValuerError: No DataType defined with the key 'MY_UNKNOWN_DTYPE'.
property key

Data type index key

Object lists

class astrophysix.simdm.utils.ObjectList(obj_class, index_prop_name)

Generic object list container class

  • obj_class (type) – base class of the objects that can be added to the list

  • index_prop_name (string) – object property name used as a list index

  • validity_check (callable) – method called upon object addition into the list. Default None.


>>> run1 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)")
>>> run2 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="MHD run")
>>> run3 = project.simulation.add(Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="Hydro run with BH feedback")
>>> run4 = Simulation(simu_code=arepo, name="MHD run with BH feedback")
>>> project.simulation.add(run1)
>>> project.simulation.add(run2)
>>> project.simulation.add(run3)
>>> project.simulation.add(run4, insert_pos=2)  # Insert at position 2, not appendend at the end of the list
>>> len(project.simulations)
>>> print(str(project.simulations))
Simulation list :
| # |              Index                |                          Item                 |
| 0 | Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)  | 'Pure-hydro run (isolated galaxy)' simulation |
| 1 | MHD run                           | 'MHD run' simulation                          |
| 2 | MHD run with BH feedback          | 'MHD run with BH feedback' simulation         |
| 3 | Hydro run with BH feedback        | 'Hydro run with BH feedback' simulation       |
>>> run3 is project.simulations[3]  # Search by item position
>>> project.simulations["MHD run"]  # Search by item index value
'MHD run' simulation
>>> del project.simulations[0]
>>> del project.simulations["MHD run"]
>>> del project.simulations[run4]
>>> print(str(project.simulations))
Simulation list :
| # |              Index                |                          Item                 |
| 0 | Hydro run with BH feedback        | 'Hydro run with BH feedback' simulation       |

Delete an object from the list.


item (object or int or string) – instance to delete, object position in the list (int) or index property value (string) of the object to remove from the list.


Object list comparison method


other (ObjectList) – other object list to compare to


Get an object from the list.


item (int or string) – object position in the list (int) or index property value (string) of the object to fetch from the list.


o – Found object in the list. None if none were found.

Return type

object of type self.object_class

  • AttributeError – if the search index type is neither an int nor a string.

  • IndexError – if the int search index value is lower than 0 or larger than the length of the list - 1.


Basic object list iterator


Size of the object list


String representation of the instance

add(obj, insert_pos=- 1)

Adds a instance to the list at a given position

  • obj (object) – instance to insert in the list

  • insert_pos (int) – insertion position in the simulation list. Default -1 (last).


Add an object addition validity check method to the list of addition validity check methods


can_add_meth (Callable) – object addition validity check method


Find an object in the list with a matching UUID


uid (UUID or string) – UUID or UUID string representation of the object to search for.



Return type

Matching object with corresponding UUID,if any. Otherwise returns None


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property index_attribute_name

Name of the object property used as an index in this object list

property object_class

Type of object that can be added into the list