
Generic results and snapshots

class astrophysix.simdm.results.generic.GenericResult(**kwargs)

Experiment generic result class

  • name (string) – result name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – result description

  • directory_path (string) – result data directory path

INVALID_ALIAS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The alias can contain capital letters, digits and '_' only. It must start with a capital letter and cannot end with a '_'."
VALID_ALIAS_REGEX = re.compile("^[A-Z] # First character must be a capital letter\n ([A-Z0-9_]* # Then any capital letter, digit or '_'\n [A-Z0-9])?, re.VERBOSE)

GenericResult comparison method

other: GenericResult

generic result to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property datafiles

Result Datafile list (ObjectList)

property description

Result description. Can be set to any string value.

property directory_path

Result directory.path. Can be set to any string value.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property name

Result name. Can be set to a non-empty string value.

property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.results.snapshot.Snapshot(**kwargs)

Experiment snapshot class (Simulation data model)

  • name (string) – snapshot name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – snapshot description

  • directory_path (string) – snapshot directory path

  • time ((float, Unit) tuple) – snapshot time info (value, unit) tuple

  • physical_size ((float, Unit) tuple) – snapshot physical size info (value, unit) tuple

  • data_reference (string) – snapshot data reference (e.g. data directory name, snapshot number) string

INVALID_ALIAS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The alias can contain capital letters, digits and '_' only. It must start with a capital letter and cannot end with a '_'."
VALID_ALIAS_REGEX = re.compile("^[A-Z] # First character must be a capital letter\n ([A-Z0-9_]* # Then any capital letter, digit or '_'\n [A-Z0-9])?, re.VERBOSE)

Snapshot comparison method

other: Snapshot

snapshot to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property data_reference

Snapshot data reference (e.g. data directory name, snapshot number). Can be set to any string value.

property datafiles

Result Datafile list (ObjectList)

property description

Result description. Can be set to any string value.

property directory_path

Result directory.path. Can be set to any string value.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property name

Result name. Can be set to a non-empty string value.

property physical_size

Snapshot physical size info (value, unit) tuple . Can be set to a float value (unitless) or a (float, Unit) tuple.


>>> sn = Snapshot(name="My super snapshot")
>>> sn.physical_size = "0.256"
>>> sn.physical_size = ("0.24", U.pc)
>>> sn.physical_size = ("0.45", "kpc")
>>> sn.physical_size[1] == U.kpc
>>> sn.physical_size = 4.46
>>> sn.physical_size = (7.89e2, "Mpc")
>>> sn.physical_size[1] == U.Mpc
>>> sn.physical_size = (78.54,
property time

Snapshot time info (value, unit) tuple . Can be set to a float value (unitless) or a (float, Unit) tuple.


>>> sn = Snapshot(name="My super snapshot")
>>> sn.time = "0.256"
>>> sn.time[1] == U.none
>>> sn.time = ("0.24", U.year)
>>> sn.time = ("0.45", "Myr")
>>> sn.time[1] == U.Myr
>>> sn.time = (7.89e2, "Gyr")
>>> sn.time = (78.54, U.min)
property uid


Datafile and AssociatedFile

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.Datafile(**kwargs)

Datafile class

  • name (string) – datafile name (mandatory)

  • description (string) – datafile description


>>> from astrophysix.utils import FileType
>>> from astrophysix.simdm.datafiles import JpegImageFile
>>> df = Datafile(name="Pre-stellar cores mass spectrum")
>>> df[FileType.PNG_FILE] = "/data/SIMUS/result_spectrum/mass_spectrum.png"
>>> df[FileType.FITS_FILE] = "/data/SIMUS/result_spectrum/pre-stellar-core-mass-hist.fits"
>>> df[FileType.PNG_FILE] = JpegImageFile.load_file("/data/SIMUS/result_spectrum/hist.jpg")
ValueError: Datafile associated file type mismatch : expected PngImageFile object but JpegImageFile was provided.
>>> df[FileType.PNG_FILE] = "/data/SIMUS/result_spectrum/hist.jpg"
AttributeError: Invalid filename for a PNG file (/data/SIMUS/result_spectrum/hist.jpg).
>>> # Removing a file
>>> del df[FileType.FITS_FILE]
INVALID_ALIAS_ERROR_MESSAGE = "The alias can contain capital letters, digits and '_' only. It must start with a capital letter and cannot end with a '_'."
VALID_ALIAS_REGEX = re.compile("^[A-Z] # First character must be a capital letter\n ([A-Z0-9_]* # Then any capital letter, digit or '_'\n [A-Z0-9])?, re.VERBOSE)

Remove associated file given its file type.


item (FileType) –


KeyError – if the search index type is not a FileType instance or if there is no associated file with the required file type.


Datafile comparison method


other (Datafile) – datafile to compare to:


Get an associated file from the data file, given its file type.


ftype (FileType) – Associated file type


f – datafile associated file for the required file type.

Return type



KeyError – if the search index type is not a FileType instance or if there is no associated file with the required file type.


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see

other: other instance to compare to

__setitem__(filetype, ass_file)

Set an associated file with a given file type into the data file.

  • filetype (FileType) – Associated file type

  • ass_file (string or AssociatedFile) – Associated file path or instance


String representation of the data file instance

property description

Datafile description. Can be set to any string value.


Show tabulated view of associated files


>>> df.display_files()
[My best datafile] datafile. Attached files :
| File type |          Filename           |
| PNG       | CEA.png                     |
| JPEG      | irfu_simple.jpg             |
| FITS      | cassiopea_A_0.5-1.5keV.fits |
| TARGZ     | archive.tar.gz              |
| JSON      | test_header_249.json        |
| ASCII     | abstract.txt                |
| HDF5      | study.h5                    |
| PICKLE    | dict_saved.pkl              |

Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property name

Datafile name. Can be set to a non-empty string value.

property plot_info

Datafile plot information. Can be set to a PlotInfo instance.

property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile(**kwargs)
class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.FitsFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated FITS_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.PickleFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated PICKLE_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AsciiFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated ASCII_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.HDF5File(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated HDF5_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.JsonFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated JSON_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.CSVFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated CSV_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.TarGzFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.file.AssociatedFile

Datafile associated TARGZ_FILE file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.image.PngImageFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.image.ImageFile

Datafile associated PNG_FILE image file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property pil_image

Pillow image (JPEG/PNG) image property getter. Implements lazy I/O.

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.image.JpegImageFile(**kwargs)

Bases: astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.image.ImageFile

Datafile associated JPEG_FILE image file class.

property filename

Gets associated file name. Cannot be edited.

property last_modified

Returns file last modification time. Cannot be edited.

classmethod load_file(filepath)

Loads an AssociatedFile object from a filepath


filepath (string) – path of the file to load.


f – Loaded associatedfile

Return type

AssociatedFile instance

property pil_image

Pillow image (JPEG/PNG) image property getter. Implements lazy I/O.

property raw_file_data

File binary raw data. Cannot be edited.


Save associated file to an external file on the local filesystem


filepath (string) – external file path

Plot information

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.plot.PlotType(value)

Plot type enum


>>> pt = PlotType.HISTOGRAM_2D
>>> pt.alias
>>> pt.display_name
"2D histogram"
>>> pt.ndimensions
HISTOGRAM = ('hist', 'Histogram', 1, 1)
HISTOGRAM_2D = ('2d_hist', '2D histogram', 2, 1)
IMAGE = ('img', 'Image', 2, 1)
LINE_PLOT = ('line', 'Line plot', 1, 0)
MAP_2D = ('2d_map', '2D map', 2, 1)
SCATTER_PLOT = ('scatter', 'Scatter plot', 1, 0)
property alias

Plot type alias

property axis_size_offset
property display_name

Plot type verbose name

classmethod from_alias(alias)

Find a PlotType according to its alias


alias (string) – required plot type alias


ft – Plot type matching the requested alias.

Return type



ValueError – if requested alias does not match any plot type.


>>> pt = PlotType.from_alias("hist")
>>> pt.display_name
>>> pt2 = PlotType.from_alias("MY_UNKNOWN_PLOT_YPE")
ValuerError: No PlotType defined with the alias 'MY_UNKNOWN_PLOT_YPE'.
property ndimensions

Plot type number of dimensions

class astrophysix.simdm.datafiles.plot.PlotInfo(**kwargs)

Datafile class (Simulation data model)

  • plot_type (PlotType or string) – Plot type or plot type alias (mandatory)

  • xaxis_values (numpy.ndarray) – x-axis coordinate values numpy 1D array (mandatory).

  • yaxis_values (numpy.ndarray) – y-axis coordinate numpy 1D array (mandatory).

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – plot data values numpy array (mandatory for 2D plots).

  • xlabel (string) – x-axis label

  • ylabel (string) – y-axis label

  • values_label (string) – plot values label

  • xaxis_unit – TODO

  • yaxis_unit – TODO

  • values_unit – TODO

  • xaxis_log_scale (bool) – TODO

  • yaxis_log_scale (bool) – TODO

  • values_log_scale (bool) – TODO

  • plot_title (string) – Plot title.


PlotInfo comparison method


other_plot_info (PlotInfo) – plot info object to compare to:


String representation of the instance


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property plot_type

Returns the plot type (PlotType). Cannot be edited.

set_data(xaxis_values, yaxis_values, values=None)

Set plot data arrays.

  • xaxis_values (numpy.ndarray) – x-axis coordinate array

  • yaxis_values (numpy.ndarray) – TODO

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – TODO

property title

Plot title. Can be set to any string value.

property values

Plot values array. Cannot be edited. Implements lazy I/O.


To edit plot values, see PlotInfo.set_data() method.

property values_label

plot values label. Can be set to any string value.

property values_log_scale

value log scale boolean flag. Can be edited to any bool value.

property values_unit


property xaxis_log_scale

x-axis log scale boolean flag. Can be edited to any bool value.

property xaxis_unit


property xaxis_values

Plot x-axis coordinate array (numpy.ndarray). Cannot be edited. Implements lazy I/O.


To edit plot values, see PlotInfo.set_data() method.

property xlabel

x-axis label. Can be set to any string value.

property yaxis_log_scale

y-axis log scale boolean flag. Can be edited to any bool value.

property yaxis_unit


property yaxis_values

Plot y-axis coordinate array (numpy.ndarray). Cannot be edited. Implements lazy I/O.


To edit plot values, see PlotInfo.set_data() method.

property ylabel

y-axis label. Can be set to any string value.