
Simulation and post-processing runs

Numerical Experiments can be of two different types:

class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.Simulation(Simulation data model)
  • name (string) – Simulation name (mandatory)

  • simu_code (SimulationCode) – Simulation code used for this simulation (mandatory)

  • alias (string) – Simulation alias (if defined, 16 max characters is recommended)

  • description (string) – Long simulation description

  • directory_path (string) – Simulation data directory path

  • execution_time (string) – Simulation execution time in the format ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S’

EXETIME_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

Simulation comparison method

other: Simulation

simulation to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property alias

Experiment alias. Can be edited.

property applied_algorithms

Experiment applied algorithm list (ObjectList)

property description

Experiment description. Can be edited.

property directory_path

Experiment data directory path. Can be edited.

property execution_time

Simulation execution date/time. Can be edited.


>>> simu = Simulation(simu_code=gadget4, name="Maxi Cosmic", execution_time="2020-09-10 14:25:48")
>>> simu.execution_time = '2020-09-28 18:45:24'
property execution_time_as_utc_datetime

UTC execution time of the simulation (timezone aware)


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property generic_results

Experiment generic result list (ObjectList)

property name

Experiment name. Can be edited.

property parameter_settings

Experiment parameter setting list (ObjectList)

property post_processing_runs

Simulation associated post-processing run list (ObjectList)

property resolved_physics

Simulation resolved physical process list (ObjectList).

property simulation_code

SimulationCode used to run this simulation. Cannot be changed after simulation initialisation.

property snapshots

Experiment snapshot list (ObjectList)

property uid
class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.PostProcessingRun(*args, **kwargs)

Post-processing run (Simulation data model)

  • name (string) – post-processing run name (mandatory)

  • ppcode (PostProcessingCode) – post-processing code used for this post-processing run (mandatory)

  • alias (string) – Post-processing run alias (if defined, 16 max characters is recommended)

  • description (string) – Long post-processing run description


PostProcessingRun comparison method

other: PostProcessingRun

post-processing run to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property alias

Experiment alias. Can be edited.

property applied_algorithms

Experiment applied algorithm list (ObjectList)

property description

Experiment description. Can be edited.

property directory_path

Experiment data directory path. Can be edited.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property generic_results

Experiment generic result list (ObjectList)

property name

Experiment name. Can be edited.

property parameter_settings

Experiment parameter setting list (ObjectList)

property postpro_code

PostProcessingCode used to run this post-processing run. Cannot be changed after post-processing run initialisation.

property snapshots

Experiment snapshot list (ObjectList)

property uid

Parameter settings

Parameter visibility flag

class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.ParameterVisibility(value)

Parameter setting visibility flag (enum)


>>> vis = ParameterVisibility.BASIC_DISPLAY
>>> vis.display_name
"Basic display"
ADVANCED_DISPLAY = ('advanced', 'Advanced display')
BASIC_DISPLAY = ('basic', 'Basic display')
NOT_DISPLAYED = ('not_displayed', 'Not displayed')
property display_name

Parameter visibility display name

classmethod from_key(key)

key (string) – parameter visibility flag key


t – Parameter vsibility flag matching the requested key.

Return type



ValueError – if requested key does not match any parameter visibility.


>>> vis = ParameterVisibility.from_key("advanced")
>>> vis.display_name
"Advanced display"
>>> vis2 = ParameterVisibility.from_key("MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG")
ValuerError: No ParameterVisibility defined with the key 'MY_UNKNOWN_FLAG'.
property key

Parameter visibility flag key

Parameter setting

class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.ParameterSetting(**kwargs)

Experiment input parameter setting class

  • input_param (InputParameter) – protocol input parameter (mandatory)

  • value (float or int or string or bool) – numeric/string/boolean value of the input parameter (mandatory)

  • unit (Unit or string) – parameter value unit (or unit key string)

  • visibility (ParameterVisibility) – Parameter setting visibility (for display use only). Default BASIC_DISPLAY


ParameterSetting comparison method

other: ParameterSetting

parameter setting to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property input_parameter

Experiment protocol’s InputParameter. Cannot be edited after parameter setting initialisation.

property parameter_key

Experiment protocol’s InputParameter key

property uid
property unit

Parameter value unit (Unit). Can be edited.


>>> from astrophysix import units as U
>>> psetting = ParameterSetting(input_param=inpp, value=0.5, unit=U.pc)
>>> psetting.unit = U.kpc
>>> psetting.unit = "Mpc"
property value

Parameter value.

Can be set to a bool, string, int or float value. When set, value_type is also set accordingly.


>>> psetting = ParameterSetting(input_param=inpp, value=0.5)
>>> type(psetting.value) is float and psetting.value == 0.5 and psetting.value_type == DataType.REAL
>>> psetting.value = "true"
>>> type(psetting.value) is bool and psetting.value is True and psetting.value_type == DataType.BOOLEAN
>>> psetting.value = "false"
>>> type(psetting.value) is bool and psetting.value is False and psetting.value_type == DataType.BOOLEAN
>>> psetting.value = "banana"
>>> type(psetting.value) is str and psetting.value == "banana" and psetting.value_type == DataType.STRING
>>> psetting.value = 4.256
>>> type(psetting.value) is float and psetting.value == 4.256 and psetting.value_type == DataType.REAL
>>> psetting.value = 58.0
>>> type(psetting.value) is int and psetting.value == 58 and psetting.value_type == DataType.INTEGER
>>> psetting.value = "3.584e2"
>>> type(psetting.value) is float and psetting.value == 358.4 and psetting.value_type == DataType.REAL
>>> psetting.value = "-254"
>>> type(psetting.value) is int and psetting.value == -254 and psetting.value_type == DataType.INTEGER
property value_type

Parameter value type (DataType)

property visibility

Parameter setting visibility flag (ParameterVisibility). Can be edited.


>>> psetting = ParameterSetting(input_param=inpp, value=0.5, visibility=ParameterVisibility.ADVANCED_DISPLAY)
>>> psetting.visibility = ParameterVisibility.BASIC_DISPLAY
>>> psetting.visibility = "not_displayed"

Applied algorithms

class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.AppliedAlgorithm(**kwargs)

Experiment applied algorithm class

  • algorithm (Algorithm) – protocol algorithm (mandatory).

  • details (string) – implementation details.


AppliedAlgorithm comparison method

other: AppliedAlgorithm

applied algorithm to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance

property algo_name

Algorithm name. Cannot be edited.

property algorithm

Experiment protocol’s Algorithm. Cannot be edited after applied algorithm initialisation.


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property implementation_details

Applied algorithm implementation details (string). Can be edited.

property uid

Resolved physical processes

class astrophysix.simdm.experiment.ResolvedPhysicalProcess(**kwargs)

Simulation resolved physical process class

  • physics (PhysicalProcess) – simulation code’s PhysicalProcess instance (mandatory)

  • details (string) – resolved physical process implementation details


ResolvedPhysicalProcess comparison method

other: ResolvedPhysicalProcess

resolved physical process to compare to


Not an implied relationship between “rich comparison” equality methods in Python 2.X but only in Python 3.X see https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ne__

other: other instance to compare to


String representation of the instance


Perform validity checks on this instance and eventually log warning messages.


kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments (optional)

property implementation_details

Resolved physical process implementation details. Editable.

property physical_process

Simulation code’s PhysicalProcess. Cannot be edited after instance initialisation

property process_name

Simulation code’s PhysicalProcess name. Cannot be edited.

property uid